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International Legal and Social Affairs (ILSA)


The Department of  International Legal and Social Affairs a crucial component of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, responsible for providing legal expertise and guidance on international matters. Our department's primary functions include:
a)    Offering legal advisory services to the Ministry and other government entities on international law and treaties.
b)    Coordinating Uganda's participation in international and regional legal fora and negotiations.
c)    Ensuring compliance with international and regional obligations and commitments.
d)    Providing legal support for dispute resolution in international matters.
e)    Advising on the legal aspects of regional and international cooperation initiatives.
f)    Drafting and Reviewing international, regional and bilateral agreements, memoranda of understanding and other legal texts.
g)    Participating in and guiding in negotiations of international, regional and bilateral agreements.  
h)    Maintaining Treaty Archives and exercising National Depository of International and regional treaties.
i)    Overseeing the process of signing, ratification or accession to bilateral, regional and multilateral legal instruments. 
j)    Registering treaties with international organizations including the United Nations, African Union and EAC.
k)    Providing legalization services for various documents to ensure their validity for use in foreign jurisdictions.
l)    Providing expertise in areas such as international trade and investment, environmental law, human rights and humanitarian law.
m)    Conducting research on emerging international legal issues affecting the interests of the country. 

Key Responsibilities
i)    Analyze and interpret international laws, conventions, and treaties.
ii)    Review and propose amendments in existing bilateral, regional agreements to ensure compliance with international obligations.
iii)    Prepare legal opinions/advice on matters of public international or private law and significance.
iv)    Prepare instruments of ratification and accession. 
v)    Coordinate with other government departments on legal matters with international implications.
vi)    Assist in servicing Joint Ministerial Commissions.
vii)    Maintain comprehensive database of treaties and agreements. 
viii)    Organize inter-Ministerial meetings on legal and human rights issues. 
ix)    Coordinate with UN and AU Treaty Bodies for registration of agreements
x)    Coordinate the preparation of periodic reports to human rights bodies. 
xi)    Conduct research on emerging international legal issues affecting Uganda's interests.
The Department of International Legal and Social Affairs works closely with other departments within the Ministry to ensure that Uganda's foreign policy objectives are pursued in accordance with international law and best practices.

For inquiries related to international legal matters, please contact:

Head of Department
Ambassador John Leonard Mugerwa

