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The Department is responsible for foreign policy related international political issues, including political issues under United Nations, Commonwealth, European Union, Non-Aligned Movement, G77 and Organization of Islamic Cooperation, among others.
The key functions of the Department of International Political Affairs are:
Strengthening and promoting preventive diplomacy, peace support and peace-building international initiatives which are consistent with Uganda's National interest.
Initiating technical policy recommendations on issues related to international peace and security.
Coordinating aspects of Missions related to international peace and security.
Promoting partnerships and networks with stakeholders dealing with matters of international peace and security.
Strengthening a coordinated and cooperative mechanism between Ministry and other National relevant security stakeholders.
Spearheading global political negotiations taking into account Uganda's national interests i.e global peace and security, governance, global terrorism and crime, among others.
Lobby for international support needed to complement Government efforts in the implementation of agreed global political outcomes.
The Department comprises of three Divisions which handle multilateral matters, bilateral cooperation and candidatures within regional and international organizations. The 3 Divisions are:
Division of Multilateral Affairs
The Division for Multilateral Affairs is responsible for overseeing issues relating to the United Nations and other international organizations, including the Commonwealth, Organization of Islamic Cooperation, European Union among others. The Division coordinates and develops overall United Nations Policy, including work in the UN General Assembly, the UN security Council, and Reforms of the UN system.
The Division also engages in multilateral diplomacy to promote and defend the many overlapping interests of Uganda within International organizations to which Uganda is amember. Other important areas include International peace and security, disarmament and non-proliferation, counter terrorism initiatives, UN sanctions and International foreign policy.
Division of Bilateral Affairs
The main objective of this Division is to create, maintain and strengthen mutually beneficial political ties with countries. Its role is to formulate and coordinate nations policy so that Uganda's interests beyond the region are best protected and kept at their best possible level.
The Division spearheads bilateral initiatives, promoting mutually advantageous exchanges at political levels, cultivates and maintains good relations with countries of the Americas and Caribbean, Asia and Pacific, Eastern, Central and Western Europe as well as the Middle East.
Division of Candidature Affairs
The Division provides support for national and individual candidatures of Uganda and Ugandans to gain placement in elective and appointive positions within regional and international organizations in order to gain greater influence policy and decisions making as well as obtain employment, skills and expertise for collective and individual benefits.
The Division also provides the Secretariat of Candidatures Committee. The main objective of the committee is to strengthen Uganda's representation in sub-regional, regional and international organizations, including the East African Community (EAC), Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), African Union (AU), and United Nations as well as their affiliated institutions and specialized agencies.



